
Heartbleed SSL Vulnerability and FileMaker Hosting at ODI

  • 10th April 2014
So what is it? Heartbleed is a security vulnerability in OpenSSL, a popular, open-source protocol used to encrypt vast portions of the web. It's used to protect your usernames, passwords, and sensitive information set on secure websites. Is my account at ODI affected by this? FileMaker Server 13 includes a version of OpenSSL which has been ...
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FileMaker Pro 13.0v2 and FileMaker Go 13.0.3 Update

  • 2nd April 2014
FileMaker, Inc. has released FileMaker Pro 13.0v2 and FileMaker Pro 13.0v2 Advanced as well as FileMaker Go 13.0.3 for iPad and iPhone. The FileMaker Pro update addresses limitations related to the FileMaker Pro URL protocol. It also includes general bug fixes pertaining to calculations and scripting, layout rendering, and text ...
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ODITech Maintenance Notification - Atlanta Cloud

  • 19th December 2013
ODITech will be performing maintenance on this cloud, which will affect service.Start time: 12/19/2013 10:00PM ESTEstimated completion time: 12/26/2013 5:00AM ESTEstimated downtime:  15 minutes per Linux VM, 60 minutes per Windows VMSynopsis:As you are aware we recently moved to a new data center which offered increased redundancy ...
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FileMaker, Inc. has released FileMaker Server 12.0v5.

  • 19th December 2013
This update uses the JAR manifest file attributes introduced by Java Runtime Environment 7 update 45 (JRE 7u45). The FileMaker Server 12.0.5 update adds the permissions attribute consistent with Oracle’s security recommendations. This software updates FileMaker Server 12.0v4 for OS X and Windows to FileMaker Server 12.0v5. FileMaker Server ...
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