Replace Your Database Print

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Please follow the instructions below to replace your database on the FileMaker Server.
1. Open the FileMaker Admin Console by double clicking the icon. If you have not downloaded the admin console yet please see Step 2 of our getting started guide.
FileMaker Admin
2. Login to the FileMaker Admin Console using the username and password from your welcome letter or the product detail screen in our customer portal area (see Step 1 of our getting started guide)
FileMaker Product Details
3. After successful login you will see the overview screen which shows you the server status and server information.
4. Select the "Databases" menu option on the left to show a list of open databases.
FileMaker Admin Databases
6. In order to replace your database you must first close and then remove the existing database.

7. To close your database select the database from the list and choose "Close" from the "Actions" pull-down menu then click the "Perform Action" button.
7. If there are users connected to the database a dialog box will display with the option to type a message to users. Leave the default "Delay Time" of 2 minutes and click the "Send Message" button.
8. When there are no clients connected to the database the status will change to "Closed". You are now ready to remove the database.
9. Select the database name in the list and select "Remove" from the "Actions" menu then click the "Perform Action" button.
10. A dialog box will appear asking you "Are you sure you want to remove the selected database?" Click the "Yes" button to remove the database. Please remember that this is permanent and you will not have access to download this database after you remove it.
FileMaker Admin Remove
Now you are ready to upload the new version of your database. You follow the same steps you would follow to upload.

11. To start the upload process you will click the "Upload Database" icon in the upper left of the window.
FileMaker Admin
12. The "Upload Database Assistant" window opens. Click on the folder in the window to specify that we want to upload a database into this folder. Click the "Add Database" button. Locate your database on your computer and click the "Select" button. Now click the "Next" button to continue.
FileMaker Admin Upload
13. In the next screen leave the option "Automatically Open Databases After Upload" checked and click the "Next" button.
14. The database will now begin to upload. Once complete click the "Next" button.
15. You have now successfully uploaded your database. Click the "Finished" button to close the upload assistant.
16. You will be returned to the "Databases" screen showing you the databases that are hosted on the server. This screen will show you the database status as well as the types of access that are available to this database. Please make sure that the "Go/Pro" box has a bullet in it.
FileMaker Admin
17. Please remember that if you upload more databases than you are allowed with your account our system will automatically charge you an additional hosted database fee.
You are now ready to login to the new version of your hosted database. If you are done with the FileMaker Admin Console you can quit this application.

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