Chapter 1 - Introducing Custom Web Publishing
- About the Web Publishing Engine
- How a Web Publishing Engine request is processed
- Custom Web Publishing with PHP
- Custom Web Publishing with XML
- Comparing PHP to XML
- Reasons to choose PHP
- Reasons to choose XML
Chapter 2 - About Custom Web Publishing with PHP
- Key features in Custom Web Publishing with PHP
- Custom Web Publishing requirements
- What is required to publish a database using Custom Web Publishing
- What web users need to access a Custom Web Publishing solution
- Connecting to the Internet or an intranet
- Manually installing the FileMaker API for PHP
- Where to go from here
Chapter 3 - Preparing databases for Custom Web Publishing
- Enabling Custom Web Publishing with PHP for databases
- Creating layouts for Custom Web Publishing with PHP
- Protecting your published databases
- Accessing a protected database
- Publishing the contents of container fields on the web
- Container fields embedded in a database
- Container fields with referenced files
- Container fields with externally stored data
- How web users view container field objects
- FileMaker scripts and Custom Web Publishing
- Script tips and considerations
- Script behavior in Custom Web Publishing solutions
- Script triggers and Custom Web Publishing solutions
Chapter 4 - Overview of Custom Web Publishing with PHP
- How the Web Publishing Engine works with PHP solutions
- General steps for Custom Web Publishing with PHP
Chapter 5 - Using the FileMaker API for PHP
- Where to get additional information
- FileMaker API for PHP Reference
- FileMaker API for PHP Tutorial
- FileMaker API for PHP Examples
- Using the FileMaker class
- FileMaker class objects
- FileMaker command objects
- Connecting to a FileMaker database
- Working with records
- Creating a record
- Duplicating a record
- Editing a record
- Deleting a record
- Running FileMaker scripts
- Obtaining the list of available scripts
- Running a FileMaker script
- Running a script before executing a command
- Running a script before sorting a result set
- Running a script after the result set is generated
- Script execution order
- Working with FileMaker layouts
- Using portals
- Listing the portals defined on a specific layout
- Obtaining portal names for a specific result object
- Obtaining information about portals for a specific layout
- Obtaining information for a specific portal
- Obtaining the table name for a portal
- Obtaining the portal records for a specific record
- Creating a new record in a portal
- Deleting a record from a portal
- Using value lists
- Obtaining the names of all value lists for a specific layout
- Obtaining an array of all value lists for a specific layout
- Obtaining the values for a named value list
- Performing find requests
- Using the Find All command
- Using the Find Any command
- Using the Find command
- Using a Compound Find command
- Processing the records in a result set
- Filtering portal rows returned by find requests
- Pre-validating commands, records, and fields
- Pre-validating records in a command
- Pre-validating records
- Pre-validating fields
- Processing the validation errors
- Handling errors
Chapter 6 - Staging, testing, and monitoring a site
- Staging a Custom Web Publishing site
- Testing a Custom Web Publishing site
- Monitoring your site
- Using the web server access and error logs
- Using the Web Publishing Engine log
- Using the Web Server Module error log
- Using the Tomcat logs
- Troubleshooting your site